Thursday, January 3, 2013


farz̄                                        obligatory, mandatory
wäjib                                     compulsory
sunnah                                 Prophet’s tradition, custom
sunnat e muakkadah      emphasized tradition
nafl                                        supererogatory
mustahab, mandüb        desirable
afz̄al                                       preferable, highly rewarding, more rewarding
adab, ädäb                          etiquette
jäiz,mubäḧ,ḧaläl                               permissible, allowable
man`, nahy                         forbidden
makrüh tanz̈ïhï                  undesirable
makrüh                                                detestable, avoidable, avoidability
makrüh taḧrïmï                 highly detestable, strictly avoidable
ḧaräm                                   prohibited

adä                         on-time performance, on-time observance (fasting)
àdl                          trustworthy
ahl                          family-members, dependants
Ahle Kitäb           Scripture People
Ahle Sunnah
àlaih-il Fatwä      This is the opinion to be followed.
àmadan                                intentionally, knowingly
àmal e kathïr      major non-Saläh act
àmal yunäfi-s Saläh         Saläh-invalidating act
Ämïn                     So beit
Ans̈är                    Helper Companions
àqeedah                              doctrines
asä'a                      commit a bad act
as̈l                           principle, fundamental, basis, basically
àurah                    organs to be hidden
Azän                      S̈aläh-call
àz̄îmat                   necessitation
badarja e aulä    preferentially
baddïnï                 depravity, irreligiosity
baitul mäl            Caliphate Treasury
bäkirah                 virgin
bäligh                    adult, opposite: child
baräz̈                     excreta
bäẗil                       invalid, void
baul                       urine
bepardagï            Veillessness
bidàt                      heresy
chit letnä             supine position
dafn                       burial
dahriyah              Atheist
dalälah                  denotation
dalïl                        evidence, proof
Därul Amn           a land of peace
Därul Ḧarb           a land of conflict
Därul Isläm          the Islamic land
dhela                     clay-lump
dïnï mafsadah    religious impropriety
duä̀                        invocation, supplication
dubur                    hind orifice
faqïr                       poor, indigent
Far`                        Other rulings (Al Fiqh-ul Muyassar)
farz̄ e àin              individual obligation
farz̄ e kifäyah     sufficiency obligation
fasäd                     depravity
fäsid                      broken,invalid
fäsiq                      habitual sinner
fatwä denä         delivered the ruling
fidyah                   penalty
fitnah                    evil
fuqahä’                                jurists
ghäiẗ                      excrement
ghalïz̅                     Severe
gumrähï                               deviation
ḧad, ḧudüd         Alläh-decreed punishment
ḧädïth                   tradition
ḧadath                  de jure Filth (major, minor)
Ḧaj                         Ḧaj, Major Pilgrimage
ḧäjare aswad     the Black Stone
ḧäjï                         Ḧaj-performer, pilgrimer
ḧäjah                     necessity
ḧäjat e As̈lï          basic needs
ḧalälah  a thrice-divorced woman being lawful in marriage for the first husband after she is married to another man, has copulation and is then divorced by him.
ḧamd                    praise
ḧaqïqï                    de facto
ḧaraj                      harm, sin
Ḧaram                   Makkah and its immediate vicinity
Ḧaräm (Masjid)
ḧinth                     oath-breaking
ḧukm                    ruling
ḧukmï                   de jure
Ï̀d                            Ï̀d
Ï̀dul Az̄ḧä                             Ï̀d of sacrifice
Ï̀dul Fiẗr                 Ï̀d of fast-ending
ìddah                     mourning period, post-divorce waiting period
ifräd                       uncombined major pilgrimage
ifẗär                        fast-breaking meal
ighmä'                   swoon
iḧtiyäẗ                   caution
Iḧyä-ul Lail           Night-waking
ikräh                      coercion
i`lä                          exaltation
ïmä'                        gesture
imäm                     Imäm
imämah                                imäm-duty
intiqäl                    posture change
iqämah                 S̈aläh-start-call
istiläm                   kiss
istinjä'   Cleansing
istinshäq              sniffing into
i`tidäl                     temperance
ìyäl                         family-members, dependants
iz̈är                         lower wraparound, wraparound
iz̄ẗirär                     indispensability, dire necessity
jahr                        audible recitation
janäbah                                state of major de jure filth arising from ejaculation or intercourse
jihad                      Jihäd
jinäyah                 violation
jinäz̈ah                  bier
Jum'ah                  Friday Saläh
junün                    insanity
kafan                     enshroud
kaffärah               expiation
Käfir                       Disbeliever
kaifiyyah              manner
khabar e wäḧid news from single source
khafïf                    Mild
khaẗa'an                               mistakenly
khaẗïb                   sermon-deliverer
khuff                     thick socks
khul`                      wife-initiated separation
khushü`                                devoutness
khuẗbah                               the Arabic sermon
khuz̄ü`                  humility
kinäï                       implicit
kitäb, bäb, fas̈l   unit, chapter, topic
kufr                        Disbelief
läz̈im                      binding, essential
lä mazhab            agnostic
laḧd                       niche-grave
mä e kathïr         large-quantity
mä e qalïl             small-quantity
maḧram                               close male relation
maḧz̅ür                 forbidden
majlis                    occasion, place
ma'kül-ul Laḧm Flesh-edible
mäl                         wealth
mäldär                  Wealthy
marḧalah                             43.352 km
marïz̄                     sick person
masbüq                                late-comer at Saläh
masḧ                     wiping
Masjid Ḧaräm
Masjid Nabawï
Masjid Aqs̈ä
mas̈laḧat                              expediency
ma'thür                                traditional
maulüd                 newborn
mauqüf                                suspended
maz̄maz̄ah                          rinsing out
ma`zür                  excusable
miḧräb                  Imäm-niche
Mïqät                    iḧräm-station, It is any of the places close to Makkah passing which without ihram is not permissible for a Haj-intending outsider.
miskïn                   destitute
mis̈r                       city, town
miswäk                 tooth-stick
mo'min                 Believer
muä̀malah                           contract
muazzin                               S̈aläh-announcer
muftï                     (A scholar of islamic jurisprudence whose opinion is sought and followed by the people. He has no executive authority.)
mufẗir                   fast-breaking act
muddah                               duration
muḧaqqiq                           authoritative scholar
muḧdith                               ablutionally impure
muḧrim                                Iḧrämer
mujahid                               mujähid
mukallaf               responsible person
mukätab                              mukätab
mumaiyyiz̄          sentient, non-sentient
munäfiq                               Hypocrite
munfarid             singleton, individual
muqïm                  resident
muqtadï                               imäm-follower
murtad                 apostate
musäfir                 traveler
mus̈allä                 Ï̀d-mosque
musta`mal           Used-up
mustaqil               in its own right
muta'akhkhir     later
mu`tamir             Ùmrah-performer
mutaqaddim      earlier
mutawaz̄z̄ï          ablutionally pure
nabï                       the Messenger صلَّى الله عليه و سلَّم
nafaqah                               expenses
nafäz                     execution
nafl                        supererogatory
najäsah                                Filth
najis                       Filthy
näqis̈                     defective,deficient
näqiz̄                     Invalidator
nasab                    filiation, parentage, blood relation
näsiyan                 forgetfully
naz̅ïr, naz̅äir        similitude
nazr                       vow
nifäs                      postnatal discharge
nis̈äb                     Z̈akäh-cutoff
niyyah                   intention
qa`dah                  At Tahiyyät sitting
qaddara                               estimate
qamïs̈                    long shirt
qaryah                  village
qas̈r                       shortening of saläh
qaẗaï̀                      incontrovertible, conclusive
qawäìd                 principles
qaz̄ä                       late-perform, late-observe (fasting), delayed performing
Qäzï                       Qäzï
qiblah                    S̈aläh-direction
qirä'ah                  additional Quränic recitation
qirän                      fully combined pilgrimage
qubul                    fore orifice
rasülulläh             Alläh's Prophet صلَّى الله عليه و سلَّم
rajjaḧa                  called this opinion preferable
raz̄äàt                    breastfeeding
rakàh                     S̈aläh-unit
ramal                     strut, run brandishing his shoulders
ramy                      pebble-throw
ridä'                       seamless cloak
rïḧ                           flatus
riwäyah                                report, narration
rukhsat                 concession
rukn                       essentials, essential part
s̈ä'                           3.264 kg
s̈abiyy e ä̀qil        discerning child
sadde Zarïàh      Barring the agent
S̈adaqah                               charity
S̈adaqatul Fiẗr    Charity of fast-ending
s̈af                          salah-row
s̈aḧäbah                               holy companions
s̈aḧäbï                   holy companion
Saḧarï                    pre-dawn meal
s̈aḧïḧ                     valid (sound)
sahwan                                forgetfully, unknowingly, unintentionally
sajda e sahw      prostration of forgetfulness
sajda e tiläwat   prostration of recitation
salaf                       great predecessor
S̈aläh                     S̈aläh
S̈aläh                     supplication of blessings for the prophet             
S̈aläm phernä    performing the ending saläm
S̈aläm karnä        saying the saläm greeting
s̈äliḧ                       pious
säq                         shank (not calf)
s̈arïh                      explicit
S̈aum                     fasting, faster
sawä'un käna     irrespective of whether it is ..., no matter whether it is ...
sa`y                        S̈afä-Marwah ambulation
shahädah            testimony, witness
shahwah                              desire, arousal, sensual
shaq                      ditch-grave
sharïàh                 Sharïàh, Islämic law
sharẗ                      prerequisite, condition, stipulation
shatm                   curse
shibr                      span
sirr                          inaudible recitation
süd-khärï             interest-exaction
sukr                       inebriation
sunnat e kifäyah sufficiency tradition
su'r                         Leftover
sürah                     Qur`änic chapter
tabarra`a bi         volunteer for
täbi`ïn                   Companion's successors
ẗahärah                                Purification, Pure, Purity
taḧrïmah                              prohibitive words of S̈aläh, the first Takbïr
Takbïr                    Takbïr
Takbïr e z̈äid       Additional Takbïr
tamattu`              partially combined pilgrimage
tark                        leave out, abstention
tartïb                     performing in order
Tasbïḧ                   remembrance formula
Tashahhud          At Tahiyyät
Tashrïq                 Tashrïq
ẗawäf                    (Ka`bah) circumambulation
ẗawäfe qudüm  Arrival Circumambulation
ẗawäfe wadä, s̈adr`         Farewell Circumambulation
ẗawäfe z̈iyärah  visit Circumambulation
ta`z̈ïr      punishment for the crimes for which the quantum of sentence has not been fixed by Alläh
thanä                    extolment
thayyib                 Previously maried woman
ẗïb                           scent
ẗuma’nïnah         tranquility
ummah                                Islamic community
Ùmrah                  Ùmrah, Minor Pilgrimage
us̈ül                        fundamentals
ùzr                          necessity, excusable difficulty
walï                        testamentary guardian, guardian
waqär                   dignity
watan                   home-place
wuqüfe Àrafät  9th Zul Hijjah Stay
wuz̄ü                     ablution
yamïn                    oath
yañbaghï lah       supposed to be, should
yaqümu maqämah          is de jure equivalent to
z̅ähiran, baz̅ähir                apparently
Z̈akäh                    Z̈akäh, Obligatory Charity
zakar                     phallus
z̅älim                      tyrant
z̅anne Ghälib      Overwhelming probability
z̅annï                     tenable, credible
z̄arürah, majbürï               compulsion, dire need
z̈awäl                     the sun's descent from the zenith
Z̅ihär                      Z̅ihär
zikr                         remembrance formula
z̈inä                        unlawful copulation, unlawful copulator, unlawful copulatress
z̈indïq                    hypocrite apostate
zirä`                        cubit
z̅ulm                      unjust

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