Alläh said:
حٰفِظُوْا عَلَي الصَّلَوٰتِ وَالصَّلٰوةِ الْوُسْطٰى ۤ وَقُوْمُوْا لِلّٰهِ قٰنِتِيْنَ ٢٣٨ (القرآن ٢٣٨:٢)
Take due care of all the prayers, and the middle prayer, and stand before Alläh in total devotion.
Alläh’s Prophetﷺ said:
«أَرَأَيْتُمْ لَوْ أَنَّ نَهْرًا بِبَابِ أَحَدِكُمْ يَغْتَسِلُ مِنْهُ كُلَّ يَوْمٍ خَمْسَ مَرَّاتٍ، هَلْ يَبْقَى مِنْ دَرَنِهِ شَيْءٌ؟» قَالُوا: لَا يَبْقَى مِنْ دَرَنِهِ شَيْءٌ، قَالَ: «فَذَلِكَ مَثَلُ الصَّلَوَاتِ الْخَمْسِ، يَمْحُو اللهُ بِهِنَّ الْخَطَايَا». (مسلم ٦٦٧)
Just see, can anything of his filthiness remain (on the body of) any one of you if there were a river at his door in which he washed himself five times daily? The Companions said: Nothing of his filthiness will remain (on his body). He said: That is like the five prayers by which Alläh obliterates sins. (EQ: 8656)
Saläh is the greatest type of worship as it connects the servant with his Lord.
Saläh is expression of gratitude to Alläh over his innumerable bounties.
The literal meaning of the Arabic word As̈ S̈aläh is prayer.
In Shari'ah, As̈ S̈aläh is the collection of words and acts which begin with saying of اَللهُ أكْبَرُ (Allähu akbar[1]) and end with اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ (As salämu àlaikum wa raḧmatulläh[2]) in accordance with the prescribed prerequisites.
Kinds of Saläh
There are two kinds of Saläh:
1. Saläh inclusive of Bowing and Prostration
2. Saläh without Bowing and Prostration, i.e. the funeral Saläh.
The Saläh inclusive of Bowing and Prostration is further categorized into three:
a. Obligatory: This includes the five daily Salähs.
b. Compulsory: This includes the Witr Saläh, the Salähs of the two Ïds, delayed performing of a supererogatory Saläh which was broken after starting it, and the two Saläh-units after circumambulation of the holy Ka’bah.
c. Supererogatory: This includes all the Salähs other then the obligatory and compulsory Salähs.
Prerequisites for Saläh to become obligatory
Saläh becomes obligatory upon a person only when these three prerequisites are found in him:
1. Isläm: Saläh is not obligatory for a Disbeliever.
2. Puberty: Saläh is not obligatory for a child.
3. Intellect: Saläh is not obligatory for an insane person.
However, the parents are supposed to order their children to perform Saläh once they are seven and to beat them with hands upon missing a Saläh once they are ten years old so that they become used to performing Saläh on time before it becomes obligatory for them.
Times of Salähs
Alläh said:
اِنَّ الصَّلٰوةَ كَانَتْ عَلَي الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ كِتٰبًا مَّوْقُوْتًا ١٠٣ (القرآن ١٠٣:٤)
Surely, Salah is an obligation on the believers that is tied up with time.
Alläh’s Prophetﷺ said:
" خَمْسُ صَلَوَاتٍ افْتَرَضَهُنَّ اللهُ عَلَى عِبَادِهِ مَنْ أَحْسَنَ وُضُوءَهُنَّ وَصَلَّاهُنَّ لِوَقْتِهِنَّ، فَأَتَمَّ رُكُوعَهُنَّ وَسُجُودَهُنَّ وَخُشُوعَهُنَّ كَانَ لَهُ عِنْدَ اللهِ عَهْدٌ أَنْ يَغْفِرَ لَهُ، وَمَنْ لَمْ يَفْعَلْ فَلَيْسَ لَهُ عِنْدَ اللهِ عَهْدٌ إِنْ شَاءَ غَفَرَ لَهُ، وَإِنْ شَاءَ عَذَّبَهُ ". (أحمد ٢٢٧٠٤)
Alläh has made five Salähs obligatory. If a person performs the Ablutions for them nicely, performs the Salähs on time devoutly, doing the Bowings and Prostrations perfectly, then it is Alläh’s vow that He will forgive him. For a person who does not do these, there is no vow from Alläh: He may forgive him if He likes or He may punish him if He so likes.
Alläh has made five Salähs obligatory every 24 hours. They are:
1. Fajr Saläh: consists of two Saläh-units.
Its time starts when the true dawn appears and remains till just before sunrise.
2. Zuhr Saläh: consists of four Saläh-units.
Its time starts immediately after noon, i.e. when the sun has moved down from the center of the sky (zenith), and the time remains till the shadow of every object becomes twice its size in addition to the original shadow-size which is found at exact noon. This end-time is according to Imäm Abü Hanïfah and this is the view to be followed. The later Hanafïs have been practicing upon this opinion.
However, according to Imäms Abü Yüsuf and Muhammad, the time of Zuhr remains till the shadow of every object becomes equal to its size. Imäm Tahäwï has called this opinion preferable.
3. Âsr Saläh: consists of four Saläh-units.
4. Maghrib Saläh: consists of three Saläh-units.
Its time starts from sunset and remains till red twilight disappears. This is the view to be followed regarding the end-time[4].
5. Îshä Saläh: consists of four Saläh-units.
Its time starts with the disappearance of the twilight and remains till the true dawn appears.
· Witr Saläh: consists of three Saläh-units and it is compulsory.
Its start and end time are same as those of Îshä, however, it must be offered after Îshä Saläh.
So, if a person performs Witr Saläh before Îshä Saläh, it will be compulsory for him to repeat the Witr Saläh after the Îshä.
Other rulings related to Saläh-times
The desirable time for performing Fajr Saläh is when light has spread before sunset.
In summer, it is desirable to delay Zuhr Saläh.
In winter, it is desirable to perform Zuhr Saläh early.
But if the sky is cloudy in winter, it is desirable to delay Zuhr Saläh till it becomes certain that the sun has moved down from the zenith.
It is desirable to delay Âsr as long as the sun does not change its color.
On a cloudy day, it is desirable to perform Âsr Saläh early.
It is desirable to perform Maghrib Saläh early.
On a cloudy evening, delaying Maghrib Saläh is desirable.
For a person who is confident of getting up at the near-end of the night, it is desirable to delay Witr Saläh up to that time.
Performing together two Salähs at the time of one of them is not permissible, no matter this happens due to an excusable difficulty or without one.
Only for Haj-performers, it is compulsory to perform together Zuhr and Âsr at Ârafah with the Imäm at the time of Zuhr, and to perform together Maghrib and Îshä at Muzdalifah at the time they reach it.
Times when Saläh is not permissible
Saläh is not permissible at the following times irrespective of its being obligatory or compulsory.
Late-performing of missed prayers is also not permissible in these times.
2. The time when the sun is at the zenith till it moves down.
3. The time in the evening when the sun has turned yellow till it sets. The only exception for this time is the Âsr Saläh of that day which can be performed even when the sun has turned yellow.
If a Saläh which became compulsory in one of these times is performed in these periods, the Saläh will be valid but avoidable.
If a funeral comes up in one of these periods, the funeral prayer will be valid but avoidable.
If a person recites a Qur'änic verse of Prostration in one of these periods, performing the Prostration of recitation at that time will be valid but avoidable.
Supererogatory Salähs are strictly avoidable in these periods.
Times when supererogatory Salähs are avoidable
Supererogatory Salähs are avoidable in the following periods of time:
1. Saläh other than the two Traditional Saläh-units of Fajr after the appearance of the true dawn
3. After the obligatory Âsr Saläh till the sun sets
4. When the sermonizer comes out for the Arabic sermon of the Friday Saläh till he completes the obligatory Friday Saläh
5. At the time of Saläh-start-call: The exception is the traditional two Saläh-units of Fajr. Performing it in a distant side of the mosque during the Saläh-start-call or after it is permissible and not even avoidable, if he is confident of catching up with the Imäm in the second Saläh-unit of the obligatory Fajr Saläh.
6. Before Îd Saläh: A person should neither perform a supererogatory Saläh at his home nor at the Îd-mosque.
7. After Îd Saläh, only in the Îd-mosque.
If a person performs a supererogatory Saläh at his home after the Îd-Saläh, it is permissible, not even avoidable.
8. If there is little time left for an obligatory Saläh such that if he engages in a supererogatory Saläh, it is feared that he may miss the time of compulsory Saläh
9. When meal is laid before a hungry person and his heart is strongly desirous of taking the meal
10. When he is finding difficulty in obstructing urine, feces or flatus: Saläh whether obligatory or supererogatory is avoidable in such a state.
11. When something appears which engages his heart and interferes with his devoutness in the supererogatory Saläh
12. Between Zuhr and Âsr prayers at Ârafah, only for Haj-performers
13. Between Maghrib and Îshä prayers at Muzdalifah, only for Haj-performers
Saläh-call and Saläh-start-call: Azän and Iqämah
Saläh-call for obligatory prayers is an emphasized tradition for men.
Saläh-start-call for obligatory prayers too is an emphasized tradition for men no matter whether the man is a resident or a traveler, he performs the Saläh in congregation or alone, and he is performing the Saläh on time or late-performing it.
Saläh-call is saying loud these words:
Allähu Akbar, Allähu Akbar
اَللهُ أكْبَرُ اَللهُ أكْبَرُ
Allähu Akbar, Allähu Akbar
اَللهُ أكْبَرُ اَللهُ أكْبَرُ
Ashhadu al lä iläha ill-Alläh
أَشْهَدُ أن لَّا إلٰهَ إلَّا اللهُ
Ashhadu al lä iläha ill-Alläh
أَشْهَدُ أن لَّا إلٰهَ إلَّا اللهُ
Ashhadu anna Muḧammad-ar rasülulläh
أَشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَّسُوْلُ اللهِ
Ashhadu anna Muḧammad-ar rasülulläh
أَشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَّسُوْلُ اللهِ
Ḧayya àlas̈ s̈aläh
حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلَاةِ
Ḧayya àlas̈ s̈aläh
حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلَاةِ
Ḧayya àlal faläḧ
حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلَاحِ
Ḧayya àlal faläḧ
حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلَاحِ
Allähu Akbar, Allähu Akbar
اَللهُ أكْبَرُ اَللهُ أكْبَرُ
لَا إلٰهَ إلَّا اللهُ
In the Fajr Saläh-call, the caller should add the words اَلصَّلَاةُ خَيْرٌ مِّنَ النَّوْمِ (As̈ s̈alätu khairum minan naum[9]) twice after the second حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلَاحِ (Ḧayya àlal faläḧ).
Saläh-start-call is similar to Saläh-call except that the caller adds the words قَدْ قَامَتِ الصَّلَاۃُ (Qad qämat-is̈ s̈aläh[10]) twice after the second حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلَاحِ (Ḧayya àlal faläḧ).
Saläh-call is to be said slowly while Saläh-start-call is to be said at a fast pace.
Saläh-call is valid only in Arabic language.
If a person says the Saläh-call in a language other than Arabic, it will be invalid whether he considers it a valid Saläh-call or not.
Desirable acts of Saläh-call
The following acts are desirable in Saläh-call:
1. The Saläh-caller should be in a state of Ablution.
2. He should be knowledgeable about the Tradition and the times of Salähs.
3. He should be pious.
4. He should face the holy Ka’bah at the time of the Saläh-call.
5. He should put his forefingers inside his ears.
6. He should turn his face right when saying حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلَاةِ (Ḧayya àlas̈ s̈aläh) and left when saying حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلَاحِ (Ḧayya àlal faläḧ).
7. He should separate the times of Saläh-call and Saläh-start-call by a duration in which the regulars at the congregation are able to come for the Saläh.
But if he fears missing the time of the Saläh, he will not delay the Saläh after the Saläh-call.
8. He should separate the Saläh-call and the Saläh-start-call by a duration in which three small verses may be recited or in which one may walk three steps.
9. It is desirable for a person listening to Saläh-call to stop his work and say in reply what the Saläh-caller says[11] except that when the Saläh-caller says: حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلَاةِ (Ḧayya àlas̈ s̈aläh) and حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلَاحِ (Ḧayya àlal faläḧ), he should say in reply لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إلَّا بِاللهِ (Lä ḧaula wa lä quwwata illä billäh[12]) and when the Saläh-caller says اَلصَّلَاةُ خَيْرٌ مِّنَ النَّوْمِ (As̈ s̈alätu khairum minan naum) in Fajr, he should say صَدَقْتَ وَبَرَرْتَ (S̈adaqta wa bararta[13]).
10. It is desirable for the Saläh-caller and the listeners to say this invocation after the Saläh-call has completed:
Allähumma rabba häzihi-d da`wat-it tämmati was̈ s̈alät-il qä'imati, äti Muḧammada nil wasilata wal faz̄ilata, wab`ath-hu maqämam maḧmuda nil-lazï wa`attahu.[14]
اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ هَذِهِ الدَّعْوَةِ التَّامَّةِ، وَالصَّلاَةِ القَائِمَةِ آتِ مُحَمَّدًا الوَسِيلَةَ وَالفَضِيلَةَ، وَابْعَثْهُ مَقَامًا مَحْمُودًا الَّذِي وَعَدْتَهُ.
Avoidable acts of Saläh-call
The following acts are to be avoided in Saläh-call:
1. Saying Saläh-call in a singing tone
2. Saläh-call Saläh-start-call by a person not in a state of minor de jure Filth
3. Saläh-call by a person in a state of major de jure Filth
4. Saläh-call by a non-discerning child
5. Saläh-call by an insane person
6. Saläh-call by an inebriated person
7. Saläh-call by a woman
8. Saläh-call by a habitual sinner
9. Saläh-call by a sitting person
10. Talking by the caller in the midst of a Saläh-call or a Saläh-start-call
If the caller talks in the midst of a Saläh-call, it is desirable for him to repeat the Saläh-call.
If he talks in the midst of a Saläh-start-call, he should not repeat the Saläh-start-call.
11. Saläh-call and Saläh-start-call for Zuhr on a Friday in a city
If a person has missed more than one Saläh and is late-performing them, he should say Saläh-call and Saläh-start-call for the first Saläh. Then for the remaining Salähs, he has the option of saying both Saläh-call and Saläh-start-call or saying only Saläh-start-call.
[1] Alläh is the greatest.
[2] Peace and Alläh’s mercy be upon you.
[3] According to Imäm Abü Hanïfah, the start-time of Âsr is when the shadow of every object becomes twice its size in addition to the original shadow-size; and according to Imäms Abü Yüsuf and Muhammad, Âsr starts when the shadow of every object has become equal to its size.
[4] Maghrib time ends with the disappearance of red twilight according to Imäms Abü Yüsuf and Muhammad while according to Imäm Abü Hanïfah, it continues till the disappearance of white twilight which appears after the red twilight has disappeared.
[5] In Islamic calculations, “night” starts at sunset and ends at the appearance of the true dawn or the start of the Fajr prayer.
[6] Around 20 minutes after sunrise
[7] Around 20 minutes after sunrise
[8] Alläh is the greatest, Alläh is the greatest. Alläh is the greatest, Alläh is the greatest. I testify that there is no god but Alläh. I testify that there is no god but Alläh. I testify that Muhammadﷺ is Alläh’s prophet. I testify that Muhammadﷺ is Alläh’s prophet. Come for Saläh. Come for Saläh. Come for success. Come for success. Alläh is the greatest, Alläh is the greatest. There is no god but Alläh.
[9] Saläh is better than sleep.
[10] Saläh has started.
[11] When the Saläh-callers stops for breath between two sentences
[12] There is neither any might nor any power except with Alläh. (EQ 586)
[13] You have said the truth and done the right thing. (EQ 5442)
[14] O Alläh! Lord of this perfect call (of not ascribing partners to You) and of the regular prayer which is going to be established! Kindly give Muhammad the right of intercession and superiority and send him (on the Day of Judgment) to the best and the highest place in Paradise which You promised him. (EQ 587, Bukhärï 614)
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